Thursday, November 26, 2015

Full reports on Iran regime’s agents pave the way for further attacks on PMOI members in Camp Liberty

Iran regime’s agents pave the way for further  attacks on PMOI members in Camp Liberty

Camp Libertyresidents rally,latest news about New plot for future massacres of Camp Liberty residents

 New cameras installed for more accurate reconnaissance to inflict more casualties in future attacks

NCRI - On Thursday, 26 November 2015, agents of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents headed by Faleh Fayyaz, Iraq’s National Security Advisor, installed new cameras around the place of residence of Liberty residents. The purpose for theses cameras whose output will be passed on to the Iranian regime embassy in Baghdad and the terrorist Qods Force is for more accurate reconnaissance of the camp and the movement of residents in order to inflict more casualties in future missile attacks. After the last deadly attack, the antihuman regime was looking to collect information on the hit locations of the missiles, the names of the wounded, and the destroyed facilities.

Iranian regime’s masquerade in Iraqi Parliament against Camp Liberty residents

Hirelings disguised as family members of Camp Liberty residents were taken to Iraqi parliament in ludicrous theatrics organized by Iranian regime’s embassy and Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents

A delegation of European, U.S. and Arab lawyers and parliamentarians ought to visit Camp Liberty
NCRI - In complicity with an infamous agent of the Qods Force, Abbas Albayati affiliated with Nouri al-Maliki, the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad and the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents headed by government’s security advisor Faleh Fayyaz, arranged for a group of regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and Qods Force hirelings disguised as the residents’ families to visit the parliament of Iraq on Tuesday, 24 November 2015, in an obvious attempt to take advantage of meetings with a number of legislators, including Messrs. Hamam Hamoudi and Arshad Salehi. The measure is intended to repeat the regime’s fabrications against Liberty residents and pave the way for future massacres.

Related news:
UN must urge Iraq to grant visa to families of Iranians in Camp Liberty

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